Rev. Peanut's Chocolate Chilli Cola Cake
Chocolate Chilli Cola Cake.
Necessary Items:
250g butter, plus extra for greasing the cake tin, Last Tango In Paris style.
250g self raising flour.
300g golden caster sugar.
3 heaped tablespoons of cocoa powder. Or 4 level ones. (?)
A reasonably generous pinch of bicarbonate of soda.
200 mls cola (observe how I cleverly avoid any untoward advertising by using the generic term)…
75 ml Tipperary Co-Op Milk Supplier’s milk.
2 beaten, Cappoquin Poultry eggs.
½ a teaspoon of chilli powder or dried chilli flakes. Yep. Chilli.
1 teaspoon vanilla extract.
How to do it:
Grease a 24” loose bottomed cake tin.
Sift flour, sugar, cocoa and bicarb into bowl. Make sure the bowl does not contain any squid.
Gently melt butter and cola together in a little small saucepan. Once melted, add it to the dry ingredients in the squid-free bowl, together with the eggs, milk and vanilla.
Mix gently but thoroughly and tip into the cake tin.
Bake for 40 mins at 180°C, or 356°F, or 453.15°Kelvin, until skewer inserted into centre of cake comes out clean.
Leave to cool.
Eat in private, by yourself. Do not share. Don’t even turn on the light. They’ll know you're there, they'll know what you’re up to and they’ll want some. They’re everywhere…