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No Rest For The Wicked... We must have been fierce wicked at some point...

Over the past couple of weeks or so we've had 10 or 11 great adoptions, which is grand news indeed, so it is. Unfortunately it's August, and August is the month when all the fuck-heads who got a dog for Christmas suddenly realise that it's holiday time! Yay! Holliers! Let's tie the dog to a tree and come back to pick him up in a couple of weeks! Yay! Dicks. So, in the same time period, we have taken in around 25 of the poor little fuckers. I say little because the majority are the small yappy little chaps, you know, the type that jump up and down all day saying "Pick me! Pick me!" My job is to increase their vocabularly to "Pick me! But not just for a few months, you dick-wad - for the rest of my yappy, jumpy, licky feckin' life"! Anyhoo, rant over. Best get cooking for the chaps. Think they'll be getting salad tonight - it's bleedin' hot...

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