Hot Press Review!
A rather pleasant review of Hair Like Blood, by Olaf Tyaransen in Hot Press... Thank you very large indeed!
The review that got away...
The good Doctor found this little snippet from Hot Press from last Novembular. There we were, all famous and everything for a second and...
The views of a jazz singer...
Sheela Beela, thanks for the words! All taken on board and will be discussed at length over a chicken tikka masala and twelve pints of...
Spread the luv... and the margarine...
Thanks again for these kind words. I shall spread them... "The cd arrived no problem. We've really been enjoying playing it. Great to...
Happy Birthday Doc!
Today celebrates the arrival of The Doc onto this rapidly disintegrating space rock. In order to commemorate this event, I would ask...
We're gettin' around, so we are...
Some more of your kind words, and we seem to me making it further afield too! Thanks lads, for the feedback... "I am really enjoying it,...
Continental drift...
Shannon saw her name in lights and was mortified! Morto, I tells ye! So i feel it's only fare to share her response... "omg - I was...
What folks is saying about the album...
A few snippets of reaction to Hair Like Blood. Seems to be going down well... "I finally got to bend an ear to The Hoors' album a few...
Download Available Now!!!
It's today! It's today! Entrusted with the nuclear launch codes for digital release, Mr. Huggett will today hit the button an almighty...